Black Heart Custom Tail Shop
Custom hand-made Yarn Tails!

Unfortunately as of late I have had an abundance of people coming along and stealing my images and "selling" yarn tails using the stolen images from my website and acting as me to scam others, which is really sad. I've come to the conclusion to list ALL the websites that I can be found at as I don't want anyone to purchase a tail thinking it is me and they end up being scammed by another person which in turn tarnishes my business.
So please take note of the sites listed below if you will before placing an order from Black Heart Custom Tail Shop.
Sites I DO sell/list on:
DeviantART: Black-Heart-Always
FurBuy: PainChan
Fur Affinity: Pain-Chan
Instagram: raver_wolf
Facebook: BlackHeartCustomTailShop
Wix (my personal website): yarn-tails.wix.com/black-heart-tails
My contact email: BlackHeartAlways@yahoo.com
I DO NOT sell on ANY other sites like Ebay, Etsy or ANYWHERE else. If you see someone using my images and selling anything, IT IS NOT ME. Report them if possible let me know. Thank you!
I do not use any another email addresses for my paypal payments which will ONLY be given out by my blackheartalways yahoo contact email listed above. If you receive a message from any other address than the one listed above, it is NOT me. Do NOT send money as that will be a scam.
|What to do if you suspect stolen or fraudulent work?|
If ever in question or if you feel someone is stealing an image or trying to copy my work or art please email me at my contact address at: BlackHeartAlways@yahoo.com I would truly appreciate it. Also report them if possible as to save anyone else from becoming scammed.
I have not, do not and will never give anyone permission to use any of my images or artwork unless it is a commissioned piece being used my the commissioner. So if you find my work being reposted please let me know, as this is not acceptable in any manner.
|Fraud and Scams|